Anton Makarenko, receiving teacher education, in 1920, near Poltava organized "labor colony named after AM Bitter "for juvenile offenders. In 1927 he participated in the organization of child labor commune named after FE Dzerzhinsky in the village New Kharkov. For the first time in teaching practice is Makarenko started to use the methods of labor education: in the colony used agricultural labor and work in workshops, students worked in enterprises of the commune and were in high school.
His pedagogical experience and views Makarenko described in works of fiction "Pedagogical Poem" (1925-1935), "Flags on the towers" (1938), etc. After moving to Moscow (1937) Anton Semenovich mainly engaged in literary work and journalism: he wrote stories for children and young people, a number of pedagogical and literary articles.
The envelope with commemorative stamp depicts a portrait of A.S. Makarenko against his desk, the book "Pedagogical Poem", the photography of children who have been raised in the commune named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky.
Design: O. Ivanova.
Denomination: letter "A".
Circulation: 1 million copies.

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