On February 8, postage stamp “The 350th anniversary of Penza” is issued
Fortress city Penza was founded in 1663 under the rule of Tsar Aleksey Michailovich as a as a frontier outpost on the southeastern border of the state which was easy and unfortified meat for steppe Nomads.
In 1781 Penza and province were received the Highest approved coat of arms which illustrates three sheaves out of wheat, barley and millet in the green field that “means prosperity and enrichment farming of local soil”. The contemporary coat of arms is approved by the City Duma of Penza on December 28, 2001.
In 1801 Penza was declared a province town, being simultaneously the center of Penza district. At the turn of XIX-XX the town was called “New Athens” due to large quantity of cultural and learning institutions. During the first years of the Great Patriotic War Penza became one of the powerful centers for the production of mortar weapons in the country.
Nowadays, Penza is a large industrial and cultural center, railway and road hub; there is also an airport here.
The postage stamp illustrates a sculpture composition “First settler” and Penza coat of arms.
Design: H. Betredinova.
Denomination: 15 rub.
Size of stamp: 30x42 mm.
Form of issue: sheet of 15 (5x3) stamps.
Circulation: 390 thousand copies. (26 thousand sheets).

On February 18, three postage stamps in a series “State decorations of the Russian Federation” are isssued
The Order of Saint Catherine the Great Martyr was established on the 3d of May 2012. This Order is awarded to the citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens to honor their high moral values and compassion in recognition of their outstanding contribution to peacekeeping, humanitarian and charitable activities, and preservation of cultural heritage.

The postage stamp illustrates a star and a sign of the Order of Saint Catherine the Great Martyr on the blue background.
The Order of Alexander Nevsky was established on 7th of September 2010. This Order is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation in recognition of their highly meritorious services to the Fatherland, outstanding achievements in enhancement of defense potential of the State, and distinctive personal achievements in various fields of economics, research and development, social and cultural, educative and other socially beneficial activities.

The postage stamp illustrates the Order of Alexander Nevsky on the blue background.
The Order of Suvorov was established on 7th of September 2010. This Order is awarded to the commander alliances, commandants of class of services of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for efficient organization of operations and force grouping guidance; for efficient organization and guidance of formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during the activities of strategic deterrence of the powerful character that secure non-admission against the Russian Federation and its allies.

The postage stamp illustrates the Order of Suvorov on the blue background.
Design: A. Moscovets.
Denomination: 25 rub.
Size of stamp: 32,5x65 mm.
Form of issue: sheet with illustrated margins of 7 (4x2) stamps and coupon.
Circulation: 315 thousand copies of each stamp. (45 thousand sheets).
To the issue an illustrated cover will be prepared inside of which there are a stamp sheet, cancelled First Day Covers.
On February 18, postal cards with commemorative stamp “The 150th birth anniversary of A.Ya. Golovin (1863-1930), painter, stage designer, People’s Artist of RSFSR” is issued
Aleksandr Yakovlevich Golovin (1863-1930) is a theatre painter, People’s Artist of RSFSR (1928), stage designer, representative of symbolism and modern, full member of the Academy of Arts in Saint-Petersburg (1912), member of the group “World of Art”.
Aleksandr Golovin studied at the Moscow College of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1881-1889), at the Academy of Kolarossi (Paris, 1889), in the studio of Vitti (1897). Since 1900 Aleksandr Yakovlevich began to do scene and decorative paintings. The most striking scene masterpieces ha created in Saint-Petrsburg where he was invited in 1902 as chief painter of the Mariinsky Theatre, Aleksandrinsky Theatre and other theatres. At soviet time Golovin decorated a range of spectacles in theatres of Leningrad and Moscow. During this period he created his best book and illustrated cycle (to “The Double” by E. Goffman, 1922). Golovin also decorated spectacles-enterprises of S.P. Dyagilev in Paris.
The postal card with commemorative stamp illustrates the portrait of A.Ya. Golovin and artwork of the decoration to the 2nd scene of the 1st act of the opera N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov “Pskovityanka” – “Veche in the Pskov Kremlin” (1901, STG)
Design: A. Moscovets.
Circulation: 12 thousand copies.

On February 22, postage stamps in a series “Heroes of the Russian Federation” are issued
Valery Ivanovich Shkurny (1959-2000) was a captain, a deputy chief of SOBR special police of the Directorate for Combating Organised Crime at Department of Internal Affairs of Bryansk region. He took part three times in Chechen companies. V.I. Shkurny died in the village Komsomolskoe, covered a grenade with his body, saving wounded soldiers. On the 4th of July 2000 he was awarded (posthumously) the title of the Hero of the Russian Federation.

Valery Ivanovich Shkurny (1959-2000) was a captain, a deputy chief of SOBR special police of the Directorate for Combating Organised Crime at Department of Internal Affairs of Bryansk region. He took part three times in Chechen companies. V.I. Shkurny died in the village Komsomolskoe, covered a grenade with his body, saving wounded soldiers. On the 4th of July 2000 he was awarded (posthumously) the title of the Hero of the Russian Federation.
Nilolay Sainovich Maidanov (1956-2000) was a flyer, a Hero of the Soviet Union, a Hero of the Russian Federation, a commandant of the 325th separate military transport helicopter regiment, a colonel. On the 29th of January 2000, helicopters flight of MI-8, consisting of the helicopter of regiment’s commandant Maidanov, flew in the district of the Argun Gorge (Chechnya). The troop of raiders were ambushed. Maidanov got a mortal hurt. He was awarded (posthumously) the title of the Hero of the Russian Federation (2000).
Chernychev Evgeny Nikolaevich (1963-2010) was a head of Service of fire fighting of the Federal fire fighting service of the operation centre in the crisis situations of the Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations of the city of Moscow, a colonel of internal service. He served as chief of guard, deputy company commander, assistant of the chief of Moscow fire staff. He died during evacuation of people from the fire building in Moscow. On the 24th of March 2012, he was awarded (posthumously) the title of the Hero of the Russian Federation
Oleg Gennadievich Ilyin (1967-2004) is an officer of Department “B” (“Vympel”) of the FSB Centre of special purpose of the Russian Federation, a colonel. He took part in the fights with the terrorist groups. He was sent several times to the North Caucasus, took part in difficult combat and special operations against terrorists. He died during the releasing of hostages in a terrorist act in Beslan. He was awarded (posthumously) the title of the Hero of the Russian Federation (2004).
The postage stamps illustrate portraits of the Heroes of the Russian federation and medal “Gold Star”.
Design: A. Drobysh.
Denomination: 15 rub.
Size of stamp: 42x30 mm.
Form of issue: sheet with illustrated margins of 5 (3x2) stamps and 1 coupon.
Circulation: 250 thousand copies of each stamp. (50 thousand sheets).
On February 22, postage stamp “The 100th birth anniversary of A.I. Pokryshkin (1913-1985), three times Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Aviation” is issued
Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin (1913-1985) is a Soviet flying ace, the first three times Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Aviation.
During the World War II, A.I. Pokryshkin was the commander of the 16th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment and the 9th Guards Fighter Air Division. He developed new tactics of air patrols. By May 1944 the flying ace accomplished 550 combat missions, personally shot down 50 German aircrafts.
The stamp illustrates the portarait of A.I. Pokryshkin, the works of the painter S.N. Prisekin and aircraft “Aerokobra”.
Design: R. Komsa.
Denomination: 15 rub.
Size of stamp: 42x30 mm.
Form of issue: sheet with illustrated margins of 10 (3x4) stamps and 1 doubled coupon.
Circulation: 400 thousand copies. (40 thousand sheets).
To the issue an illustrated cover will be prepared inside of which there are a stamp sheet, cancelled First Day Covers.

On February 27, souvenir sheet with one postage stamp “World Natural Heritage of Russia. Republic of Tyva. Uvs Nuur Basin”
In 1993, in the territory of Uvs Nuur Basin there was created a Russian natural biospheric reserve, which is the Russian part of trans-boundary Russian-Mongolian UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. The Uvs Nuur Basin presents the rarest occasion, when on the relatively small by territory sizes there are contrast landscapes. Besides, the reserve is characterized by diversity of species – unique combination of north (taiga, Siberian) and more south (desert, central Asian) species of plants and animals. Total quantity of species of high plants is more than 1 thousand, seven of which have been registered to the Red Book of Russia.
There are more than 80 species of mammals and about 350 species of birds in the faunal list of reserve “Uvs Nuur Basin”. Eight species of mammals and 34 species of birds have been registered to the Red Book of Russia; four species of mammals and 12 species of birds have been also registered to the World Red Book. In the Basin ancient graves (about 300 burial mounds of the Scythian, Han and Sarmatian and Turkic tribes), prehistoric cave drawings and stone images have been found.
Design: O. Ivanova
Denomination: 45 rub.
Size of souvenir sheet: 100x75 mm.
Circulation: 80 thousand copies.
To the issue an illustrated cover will be prepared inside of which there are a stamp sheet, cancelled First Day Covers.

On February 28, envelope with commemorative stamp “The 150th birth anniversary of V.I. Vernadsky (1863-1945), scientist, naturalist” is issued
Vernadsky Vladimir Ivanovich (1863-1945) is a russian scientist, naturalist and sophist.
In 1885 he graduated from the faculty of physics and mathematics of the Saint Petersburg’s Empire University. During 1898-1911 he was a professor of the Moscow University. He was an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1912), a member-founder and the first president of the Ukraine Academy of Sciences (1918-1919), director of the State radium institute (1922-1939), organizer and director of the Biogeochemical laboratory of the UUSR Academy of Sciences (1928-1945), member of a range of foreign academies and laureate of the USSR State Prize (1943).
Vernadsky has created new science – biogeochemistry. The works of Vernadsky have been enriched the scientific view of the world with a range of dialectic conclusions and positions, have been played a significant role in formation of contemporary scientific world view. On the philosophic grounds Vernadsky’s world view had a materialistic and dialectic character.
Envelope with commemorative stamp illustrates portrait of V.I. Vernadsky, covers of his scientific works “Biosphere”, “Experience of descriptive mineralogy”, “Chemical structure of the Earth’s biosphere and its surroundings”, a crystal of topaz in albite.
Design: A. Povarihin
Circulation: 1 million copies

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